Isle of Wight Gundog Club

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Results for Open Show on 21st September 2024

Judges were Mrs Mandy Romeo-Dieste, Miss Kelly Holland and Mr David Smith


Best In Show

Bellamy Miss A Flat Coated Retriever Mootorn Better Half Of Me JW ShCex OSW


Reserve Best In Show

Cotton Mrs L Bracco Italiano Braccorions Quick To Judge

Grp 3 Blackley Salero  Miss C & Mr I Cocker Spaniel Wight roche The Bee JW

Grp 4 Baxandall Mrs S Chesapeake Bay Retriever


Best Puppy In Show

Gray Mrs E Mr M Cocker Spaniel Purdyspride Rave On


Reserve Best Puppy in Show

Anderson Mr J&Mrs C Weimaraner Gunalts Gift Of The Gab


Best Veteran In Show

Welch ,Drake,Hazletine,Mrs S Mrs J &Miss C Pointer Ch PytchleyChasing The Dream For Hookwood


Reserve Best Veteran In Show

Hay`s Miss V Weimaraner SH Ch Sharnphilly Avalon JW ShCM AW(S)

AV Retriever Working Test - Puppy, Novice and Open on 8 September 2024

The Isle of Wight Gundog Club held their last test of the season on 8th September in the stunning grounds at Barton Manor, courtesy of Mr and Mrs Haig-Thomas.

Five tests were set by Gill Cavaciuti, Tim Pressey and Mike Cass.

We are very grateful to our judges foe the day, Chris Marshall, Neil Varney, Mike Crutchley, Terry Souter and David Breach.

Huge thanks are also owed to the fabulous team of dummy throwers, stewards and helpers.

Weatherwise the day was good in parts!  Starting dry, but changing to thunder storm and torrential rain but finishing on a drier and brighter note.  Scenting conditions were challenging for the dogs.

There were five tests set:
Test 1, walk up - Chris Marshall
Test 2, blind - Neil Varney
Test 3, distraction - Terry Souter
Test 4, water - David Breach
Test 5, blind - Mike Crutchley

Puppy Results
1st and winner of the Darcy B Trophy, Anningtonbay Loyal, Cynthia Thackwell
2nd, Leadburn Faye, Robert Lovegrove

Novice Results
1st and winner of the Cridmore Shoot Silver Salver, Ajelens Holly of Riverlilly, Abbie Reid 2nd, Troddenmills Kriss Cross, Andrew Steggles
3rd, Handhamhouse Pineau, Paul Dunningham
4th, Troddenmills Kamikaze at Sunshimmer, Jennie Knight
COM, Westerkames Buzz, Peter Owen
Highest placed IW dog in Novice, Elmertown Jasmine Tea, Sheila Lovegrove

Open Results
1st and winner of the IWGDC Scroll, Holmside Grouse at Sunshimmer, Jennie Knight
2nd, Lyebreach Golden Eagle of Riverlilly, Abbie Reid
3rd, Troddenmills Filthy Blonde, Elizabeth Bridger
COM, Esme Echo, Lee Dunn
COM, Welige Lady Sybil of Wight, Ian Hamilton


Keepers Choice on the day, Brighstone Spicy Dorito, Wendy Perera.

Thank you to all competitors who support the club.  We hope you enjoyed the day and look forward to seeing you in 2025.

AGM Awards

At the 2024 AGM the following results were announced:


THE GUNVALE TROPHY ~ Top working dog ~ No recipient

MAYDENE MAX TROPHY ~ To the top Island Show Dog ~ Hungarian Vizla Roughshoot Heaven Sent of Solencia owned by Laura Wilcox Ben & Martin Rackett

THE HULVERSTONE TROPHY ~ Is awarded by the Show Committee to the Best Newcomer This goes to ~ a returning member to showing Steve Bunker

THE FERGUS TROPHY ~ This is awarded by the Show Committee to the clubs most promising Young Showing Handler ~ No Recipient

THE HOLBROOK TROPHY  ~ This is awarded to the dog with the most points attained at the monthly matches ~ Hungararian Vizla  Roughshoot Red Red Wine of Solencia Owned by Laura Wilcox Ben & Martin Racket

PUPPY TROPHY ~ This is awarded to the young dog with the most points at monthly matches ~  Lagottoa Romangnola Clamerkin Tawny Emperor owned by Jan Drake

CHAIRMAN’S CRYSTAL ~ This is awarded for attendance at training

The Show award goes to ~   Belinda Milliechamp

The Working Attendance award goes to ~ Gill Head

HANDLER OF THE YEAR This is awarded by the working committee to the person that has attended club training.  To someone who they feel has listened, practiced and tries really hard my pleasure to award this to  Shelia Lovegrove

Results of the AV Retriever Working Test on 25th February 2024

IWGDC held their first working tests of the 2024 season on 25th February at Lessland Farm, Godshill. Despite a promising start to the day weather-wise my early afternoon the rain had arrived and had set in for the remainder of the day. There were some very wet handlers, dogs, helpers and judges at the end of the day. The ground was already wet and the rain made conditions worse.

The four tests had been set by Steve Tanner and provided a good test of the dogs on the day.; Test 1 was a mark, with the dogs needing to go over a ditch into woodland to retrieve and on the return a distraction of shot with dummy thrown. The ground through the woodland did have brambles and some dogs struggled with going deep enough for the retrieve.

The second test was a blind with shot, with the distance for the open dogs further than that of the novice dogs.

The third test was a single dog short walk up with a double mark, one in front into cover and one to the side in a ride between two sections of small wood. This was the trickiest for handlers as the ground was wet and walking required some concentration.

The fourth test saw two dogs sat up with a mark in front and a mark behind, both with gunshot. Once both dummies had been thrown the first dog had to retrieve the dummy in front and the second dog the retrieve behind. The dogs then swapped around retrieves in the second part of the test.

Our grateful thanks to the landowners for the use of the ground and to our judges, Ken Green, Dave England, Peter Leydon and Roland Stacey; to Steve Tanner for organising the day and to the many helpers who regularly support the club, throwing dummies, stewarding and providing refreshments at the end of the day.

We apologise to those competitors in the open awards as an error was made for the awards on the day. The results are as posted below and our sincere and collective apologies over this error.

Novice Dog/Novice Handler Results
1st Tallamelie Rose, Lucy Anderson, winner IWGDC Trophy
2nd Dulcet Dora, John Bryce Malcolmson
3rd Isflavcott Gold, Lesley Williams
4th Colquite Mary Poppins of Blackenvoy, Sarah Cox

Novice Results
1st Hillgrove Golden, Janet Mcilwraith, winner IWGDC Cup
2nd Folkington Flyte, Sarah Haskoll
3rd Philchris Raep Rannock, Kevin Shaw
4th Bradley Green Eclipse Sue, Lee Dunn
COM Troddenmills Kriss Cross, Andrew Steggles
COM Hardinghamhouse Moet of Woodlandway, Beth Morgan

Highest placed IW Dog, Downfarm Miss Teal at Knightstall, Carole Montague

Open Results
1st Gatlinberg Antler, Jane Manley, winner of Thorneycroft Tankard
2nd Suthcharic Grigson, Terry Souter
3rd Mitforton Neon, Mike Crutchley
3rd Welige Lady Sybil of Wight, Bryony Hamilton
COM Mitforton Teal, Mike Crutchley
COM Lowsommer Blacksmiths Rose, Elizabeth Woods
COM Riverlily Sunny Sunshine of Galicombe, Harriet Newcombe

AV Retriever Field Trial - 12 Dog Open Stake

The Isle of Wight Gundog Club held its final trial of the 2023/24 season in 8 January 2024 at Newbarn Farm, Calbourne.  A 12 dog open driven trial on what was a chilly day with some good dog work. Grateful thanks to the landowners, keeper and the beaters, the team of guns organised by Tim Pressey, who shot for the trial, stewards and all helpers.

After the first drive which saw birds fall in open ground and cover and with a couple of runners to pick, 9 dogs remained.  The second drive was in ground with more cover and and after the second round 6 dogs remained.  Two dogs went out in the third round and the remaining 4 dogs had fourth round retrieves before the judges discused awards.

There was a late entry in round three in the form of a Gloucester Old spot cross who joined the gallery for a while along with a flurry of sleet, which thankfully was short lived.

Thanks to our Judges, Heather Bradley, Robert Worrall, Martin Bagg and James Bailey. 

1st Mitforton Tout de Suite of Hawkerline, Matthew Gould
2nd and Guns Choice, Mitforton Tobin, Jon Dower
3rd Marstonprior Grenadier of Wedgnock, Steve Richardson
4th Elmertown Blazer of SussexSharp, Reuben Corbett

Thank you to all competitors for continuing to support the club and we hope that you have a successful remainder of the season and safe travels home.

AV Retriever Field Trial - 16 Dog Novice Stake

The IWGDC held its Novice trial today, Saturday 25th November, at Hill Farm, Brading, Isle of Wight, courtesy of the Lovegrove Family.

Judges were Robert Worrall, Mell Brooks, Paula Graystone and Marian Morris-Worrall.

It was a lovely day, dry and cold, and the birds flew despite the lack of breeze.  Huge thanks to the landowners, judges and the team of guns that shot for the day who did a really excellent job for the club.  Thanks also to all the helpers that provided support, beaters, and those that provided refreshments for everyone.

It was not an easy day for the dogs, the scenting conditions were difficult and the dogs had to hunt well to find.  At the first drive, a mix of duck and pheasant we lost 5 dogs.  The second drive saw a woodcock shot into the edge of a wood, which proved a challenge for a number of dogs.  7 dogs were lost in the second round with three progressing to the next drive.

First and second place were not awarded with the result being:

3rd -Amistad Patton, Lab, Nick Gregory
4th - Rookhollow Holly, G Ret, James Walsh
COM - Lyebreach Golden Eagle of Riverlilly, Lab, Abbie Reid

Guns Choice also went to Abbie Reid.

Results of Working Test on 10 September 2023

The IWGDC held their final tests of 2023 on Sunday 10th Sept at Barton Manor, East Cowes.  A new ground for the club, courtesy of the landowners Mr and Mrs Haig-Thomas, and what a fantastic venue it was, possibly the most impressive toilets of a working test ground!

Huge thanks to our landowners for supporting the club and allowing use of the venue.  Thanks also to Tim Pressey and Gill for setting the tests, with special thanks to Tim for the work that he put into preparing the ground for the tests; to the many stewards and handlers, too many to mention by name, but without whom we could not host and event and of course a huge thanks to our judges, James Bailey, Bill Gardiner, Sam Kirkham, Jane Trowell and Coral Meakes (who substituted late in the day).

After the heatwave we have been having the rain was much appreciated - to start with - but by late lunchtime it dried up and we finished in sunshine.

Test 1 was a walk up in long fresh grass, and the scenting conditions were challenging.
Test 2 was in a small wooded area, with jumps for the bovice and open dogs, blinds with shot.
Test 3 was a mark across the water onto the bank, with varying distances and angles for each test category
Test 4 was a blind with shot
Test 5 was a mark into very long white grass.

Thank you to all the competitors who continue to support the club.

1st and winner of the Darcy  B Trophy , Lenyam Bluetooth, Jane Manley
2nd Troddenmills Kriss Cross, Andrew Steggles
3rd Hardhamhouse Moet of Woodlandway, Beth Morgan

1st and winner of the Cridmore Shoot Silver Salver, Mitforton Teal, Mike Crutchley
2nd and winner of the trophy for the highest placed IW competitor, Rookhollow Holly, James Walsh
3rd DownFarm Martine, Moira Robertson
COM Westerkames Buzz, Peter Owen
COM Jubilee Bakewell, Lois Richardson
COM Kynigos Lily of Buckmotts  Katherine Morris
COM Tallamelie Rose, Lucy Anderson
Winner of the Gallybagger Cup for the highest placed non-retriever in Novice, Foxerfleet Sojabe of Borthwood,  Alice Summerhayes

1st and winner of the IWGDC Scroll, Rookhollow Dahlia of Woodlandway, Beth Morgan
2nd Troddenmills If Only, Robert Small
3rd Lanyam Kite, Jane Manley
4th Gatlinburg Antler, Jane Manley
COM Rossclyde Highland Mist at Rotherburn, Sarah Burnell

Results for Open, Novice and Novice Dog/Novice Handler Working Test on 26 February 2023

The IWGDC held its first test of the season on Sunday 26th February 2023 at Newnham Farm, Isle of Wight, courtesy of the landowners Mr & Mrs Cleaver.

We are very grateful to our judges, Joy and Chris Rose, Beth Morgan and Kevin Phillips.  Thanks also to all the helpers, without whom we would not be able to run an event and to our lovely competitors who continue to support the club and to Mike Cass and Gill Cavaciuti who set 4 lovely tests.

The first test was a mark across open, undulating ground which tested the dogs nicely.  Test 2 was a pick up exercise in a pen.  Test 3 was a mark through a hedge into cover, with a blind down a track at 90 degrees to the mark and test 4 was a walk up.

Congratulations to all our winners and those placed in the awards today.


Novice Dog/Novice Handler

Ist Phichris Raep Rannoch, Kevin Shaw - Trophy donated by S Tanner

2nd Aylesfield Oak, Jules Wilson

3rd Bradley House Eclipse Sue, Lee Dunn

4th Bancyboblin Spirit, Harold George

COM Elmertown Holly, Robert Lovegrove


Novice Dog

1st Troddenmills Filthy Blond, Liz Bridger - Trophy donated by M Cass

2nd Troddenmills Fancy Free, Andrew Steggles 

3rd Westerham Buzz, Peter Owen

4th Morland Scout, Terry Souter - Trophy for highest placed IW dog in novice

COM April Ada Aria, Jenny Phillips

COM Levenghyl Queen Bee, Jenny Philips 

COM Riverlilly Dancing Queen, Abbie Reid



1st Dark Blackthorn Lilly, Jenny Phillips - Thorneycroft Tankard 

2nd Kensteen Kansas Star, Roland Stacey

3rd Hillside House at Sunshimmer, Jennie Knight

4th Tallamelie Grizzly Bear, Nigel Sheppaed

COM Millerise Jemima, Janice Miller

COM Suthcharic Grigson, Terry Souter

COM Kinagar Hobby, Jane Best

Field Trial Results for competition on 17 December 2022

The Isle of Wight Gundog Club held its Open Trial on 17 December 2022 at Hill Farm.  Huge thanks are owed to the Lovegrove family who are the landowners and the guns from the shoot who kindly allowed us to use their shoot day for the trial.

Thanks to our judges Colin Pelham, Roger Wade, Ken Green and John Barnes and to the beaters and all those who helped on the day.

1st Mell Brooks, Annington Bay Maddi May
2nd Matthew Gould, Mitforton Toute de Suite of Hawkerline
3rd Angie Townsend, Ticefield Ramble on to Elmertown
4th Paul Dukes handling Wendy Glue owner, Troddenmills Get a Grip at Dacreford
COM Joy Venturi Rose, Leospring Tay
COM Jason Mayhew, Waunaigo Dara

Guns Choice - Waunaigo Dara, Jason Mayhew

The added bonus and icing on the cake for Mell was making her lovely bitch up to FtCh and to say she was pleased was an understatement - we are all so pleased for you Mell.

Novice and Open Working Test - 27 February 2022

Working Tests 27th February 2022 - Results

Novice Dog/ Novice Handler Results
1st Muscatelle Mazurka, Helen Vidotto
2nd Sharba3 Rebel Rebel, Debbie Herring
3rd Tallamelie Keepersbanks, Clare Tredegar

Novice Test Results
1st Rookhollow Dahlia, Beth Rayner
2nd Lyebreach Golden Eagle of Riverlily, Abbie Reid
3rd Reptonshot Mitre, Susan Hedge
4th Levenghyl Queen Bee, Jenny Philips

Open Results
1st Riverlily Sunny Sunshine of Galicombe, Harriet Melcombe
2nd Abbey Affinity, Beth Rayner
3rd Lowsommer Blacksmiths Rose, Liz Woods
4th Isleofman Gorse of Wylanbriar, Di Stevens

Thanks to our judges Paul Jennings, Robert Worrall, David Breach and Chris Marshall and the landowners Robert and Sheila Lovegrove.

Huge thanks also to the army of helpers who turned out to help the club run the day.

History of Club Results (Working)

Over the years the Isle of Wight Gundog Club have run lots of competitions. As these competitions are part of the Club's history we have listed them here:

April 2011 Working Test (Open)


July 2011 Residents Challenge


September 2011 Working Test (Puppies)

September 2011 Working Test (Novice)


September 2012 Working Test (Puppy)

September 2012 Working Test (Novice)


February 2013 Working Test (Novice and Open)


April 2013 Working Test (Novice)


September 2013 Working Test (Puppies)

September 2013 Working Test (Novice)


February 2014 Working Test (Novice)


April 2014 Working Test (Novice)

April 2014 Working Test (Open)


September 2014 Working Test (Puppies)

September 2014 Working Test (Novice)


February 2015 Working Test (Novice)


April 2015 Working Test (Novice)

April 2015 Working Test (Open)


September 2015 Working Test (Puppies)

September 2015 Working Test (Novice)


December 2015 Field Trial


February 2016 Working Test (Novice)

February 2016 Working Test (Open)


May 2016 Working Test (Novice)


September 2018 Working Test (Open and Novice)


Dog of the Year 2023

The Dog of the Year for 2023 and the January match will be held on Sunday 28th January 2024 at East Cowes Town Hall.

The Judge for the Dog of the Year was Mr Chris Campbell. A list WSS

Dog of the Year Winners
Best Promising Puppy was won by Rackett and Wilcox's Oakswarren Luminous Flame of Solencia AI
Best Puppy was won by Miller and Millichamps Foxriever Solent Solstice
Best Veteran was won by Bellamy's Rafthouse Cygnet of Stonedragon
Best Adult was won by Bunkers Winterwell Little Itch at Karitagan
Dog of the Year was won by Foxreiver Solent Solstice
Reserved Dog of the Year was won by Winterwell Little Itch at Karitagan 



Show training will re-commence on Wednesday 7th Feb. at  Ry's Presents, Hurststake Rd, Newport.

Autumn Public Open Show on Saturday, 16th September 2023

Autumn Public Open Show on Saturday, 24th September 2022

The Isle of Wight Gundog club held on Saturday, 16th September 2023 at Porchfield Cricket Club.

Best In Show Judge
Mr David Pike (Redclyst)

More details to follow.

Spring Public Open Show on Saturday, 18th March 2023

We welcomed our exhibitors from home and away to our Spring Open Show held on March 18th 2023
Our first show at our new venue Ryde Academy and we express our thanks to them for making us so welcome

Our Judges travelled down from Derbyshire

Best in Show
MR P Miller Mrs B Millichamps Curly Coated Retriever Foxriever Solent Sensation At Wightcurls
Reserve Best In Show MRS K. C Taubmans English Springer Spaniel Meltarose Madeline At Meonstoke

Best Puppy In Show
Mrs V Bowen`s Flat Coat Retriever Cladrift Bring Me Sunshine

Reserve  Best Puppy In Show
Rackett, Rackett Wilcox Hungarian Viszla Afanleigh Caitlin Rose Of Solencia

Best Veteran In Show
Mr P Miller Mrs B Millichamp Curly Coated Retriever Iron Lion Zion ShCM

Reserve Best Veteran in Show
Mrs J C Rorke's Irish Setter Catalina May Queen At Zakhan

Autumn Public Open Show on Saturday, 24th September 2022

Autumn Public Open Show on Saturday, 24th September 2022

The Isle of Wight Gundog club held a show at Porchfield Cricket Club on Saturday, 24th September 2022.

Working Test on 18 September 2022

The Isle of Wight Gundog Club held a Working Test on 18 September 2022.  We would like to give a huge thanks to the very supportive landowners Jenny, David and Barry as well as all the helpers that made the day such a huge success.

It was a glorious sunny day and we welcomed over 60 competitors to Moor Farm to take part in a Puppy, Novice, Open and Non retriever working test. The day started with a minute’s silence to honour and pay tribute to our beloved Queen.

The competition was judged by the very experienced Dave England, Ken Green, Jane and Keith Manley and Henrietta Fletcher. With five tests in each category the competitors had plenty of variety. All the challenges were completed by 3.30 thanks to the support of our  wonderful team of helpers. After a runoff for 3rd place in the Novice the results are as follows.



1st and winner of the Darcy B Trophy Suthcharic Zigi Lab. Owner and handled by Sue Berman

2nd Wrothstone Dawn Lab. Owned and handled by Ann Dawson



1st and winner of the Cridmore Shoot Silver Salver Texacali Catfish Lab. Owned and Handled by Nicky Cambrook

2nd Holmside Goose at Sunshimmer Lab. Owned and Handled Jennie Knight

3rd  and Highest Placed IWGDC  Cup in the Novice Suthcharic Grigson Lab. Owned and Handled by Terry Souter

4th Kirbyhall Beatrice Lab. Owned and Handled by Hilly Hoar

COM Farthorpe Chief Lab. Owned and Handled by Kevin Phillips



1st and winner of the IWGDC Scroll Kensteen Kanas Star Lab. Owned and Handled by Roland Stacey

2nd Rookhollow Dahila Lab. Owned and Handled by Beth Rayner

3rd  and Highest Place IOW Dog Wooden Shield Leadburn Vincnet Via Dangerfields. Owned and Handled by Andy Webb

4th Culpepper Greenwood Lab. Owned and Handled by Nigel Sheppard

March Open Show Results 2022

19th. March, 2022


JUNIOR (1,0)

1st./BOB Blackley & Solero’s Wightroche The Bee
Very promising 15 months black bitch. High quality all through.
Typical head, sweet eye & expression, well chiselled below eye.
Clean neck & shoulders, neat withers, strong back, compact loin
& couplings. Correct body & ribs. Well turned hindquarters, short
& strong below hocks. Sound, free mover once into stride.
Took 3rd. In the Group under Pam Blay.

1st./RBOB Blackley & Solero’s Wightroche Over The Rainbow
Black 3 year old bitch. Sweet head, eye & expression. Fair neck,
rather upright through forehand. Well made ribcage, short back,
good croup. Moved well, once settled into stride. Merry.

OPEN (1,0)

1st./BOB Northard’s Valentisimo’s Lugo
Black/White 9 year old dog. Typical head with good skull and
muzzle. Strong jaws, good ears. Strongly built forehand, excellent ribs.
A little narrow through hips. Would like more muscle on thighs.
Good coat texture and tight curl. Happy character.


1st./BOB/BPIB Dymond’s Quintana Diamond Dust At Friarsbelle
Very promising 10 months dog. Well made head, correct profile
to lips and nose. Good eye & expression. Fine ears. Clean neck
& well laid shoulders with good return of upper arm. Shapely
bone & feet. Correct spring of rib for age. Well turned hindquarters.
Went on to win BPIS under Pam Blay.

OPEN (2,1)
1st./RBOB Coe’s Goosepoint Waddington At Abbanash
3 year old dog. Clean cut head but lacked the typical profile of
nose and lip. Fair neck and well laid shoulder. Upper arm a shade
short. Ribs rather rounded. Strong loin and hindquarters. Moved
with an easy & confident gait.


1st./RBOB Bull’s Rafthouse Cygnet of Stonedragon
5 years B/W bitch. Well made skull, deep stop, lovely dark eye
& kind expression. Fine ears. Clean neck & shoulders. Good
ribcage. Strong loin, driving hindquarters. Pleasing outline.
Skin a little discoloured.

OPEN ( 1,0)
Drake’s Fleurfield Moonflower with Clamerkin
4 years O/W bitch. Well made head, good skull, stop, nose
and jaws, fine ears. Clean neck, well made forehand, shapelybone & feet. Good spring of rib, strong loin & couplings.
Muscular hindquarters and typical beesting tail. Sound mover
with good co-ordination in profile.
Went on to take RBIS under Pam Blay.


1st./BOB Rorke’s Zakhan Dream Believer
Quality 3 year old bitch. Typical skull and fore face. Sweet eye
& expression, well set on ears. Neatly made neck & shoulders,
fine withers, correct forehand angulation. Strong body and ribs.
Powerful loin, & croup. Muscular hindquarters with correct set on
of tail. Sound, free mover with good deportment in profile.

OPEN (2,1)
1st./RBOB Rorke’s Zakhan’s The Red Le Baron
Handsome 3 years dog. Masculine head, clean skull, good nose.
Gentle expression to eye. Fair neck, a shade upright through forehand
for my taste. Well boned limbs & feet. Big ribs, strong back & loin,
fair hindquarters, In good coat and feather. Moved with purpose.


1st./BAVNSC Drake’s Mikette How Far I’ll Go To Clamerkin
Very promising brown/white yearling bitch. Typical, feminine head
of correct proportions. Good skull, muzzle and jaws. Intelligent eye
& expression, neat, well set on ears. Correct head carriage, neck &
shoulders. Would like a shade more length in upper arm. Well made
ribs for age, strong loin and couplings. Confident with good
outline in profile on the move. Excellent coat texture.

JINTY GILL DAVIS (Judge) 19th. March, 2022

Show Match Results for 2019

Below are the previous match results for 2019:

July 2019 Match Results

Puppy & Novice GWT Rowlands Farm

We finished our GTW season with a sunning venue and lovely weather. A good field of approximately 50 dogs, with some lovely retrieves in 4 good tests. A huge thank you to the judges of Wendy Neville, Di Paterson, Gillian Yates and Paula Pitman and the helpers for the club who turned out en masse (22 in total) to set what we hope everyone found to be a good day. The ground was lovely, grassland and wood, undulating slightly, giving the dogs runs to think about and the ground scented well. In the puppy there was a run off for 2nd-3rd placings and in the Novice a run-off for 1st and 2nd place.

1st Mike Crutchley - Mitforten Neon
2nd James Walsh - Leadburn Vanessa (highest placed IW Puppy)
3rd Sue Jordan - Tullysedge My Belle Nell
4th Sarah Lowman - Laverton Meadow Cowslip

1st Moira Robertson - Cynhinfa Nesta of Downfarm
2nd Jackie Davis - Fordcopse Baillie
3rd Andy Webb - Greenbriar Glenmorangie (highest placed IW Novice)
4th Lianne Bird - Helnorall Colombo of Birdsmill

Results for Open Show on 21st September 2024

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Judges were Mrs Mandy Romeo-Dieste, Miss Kelly Holland and Mr David Smith   Best In Show Bellamy Miss A Flat Coated Retriever Mootorn Better Half Of Me JW ShCex OSW   Reserve Best In Show Cotton Mrs L Bracco Italiano Braccorions Quick To Judge Grp 3 Blackley Salero  Miss C & Mr I Cocker Spaniel Wight roche The Bee JW Grp 4 Baxandall Mrs S Chesapeake Bay Retrieve


AV Retriever Working Test - Puppy, Novice and Open on 8 September 2024

Sunday, 8 September 2024

The Isle of Wight Gundog Club held their last test of the season on 8th September in the stunning grounds at Barton Manor, courtesy of Mr and Mrs Haig-Thomas. Five tests were set by Gill Cavaciuti, Tim Pressey and Mike Cass. We are very grateful to our judges foe the day, Chris Marshall, Neil Varney, Mike Crutchley, Terry Souter and David Breach. Huge thanks are also owed to the fabulous team of dummy throwers, stewards and helpers. Weatherwise the day


AGM Awards

Wednesday, 1 May 2024

At the 2024 AGM the following results were announced: ISLE OF WIGHT GUN DOG CLUB ANNUAL AGM THROPHIES MAY 202 THE GUNVALE TROPHY ~ Top working dog ~ No recipient MAYDENE MAX TROPHY ~ To the top Island Show Dog ~ Hungarian Vizla Roughshoot Heaven Sent of Solencia owned by Laura Wilcox Ben & Martin Rackett THE HULVERSTONE TROPHY ~ Is awarded by


Results of the AV Retriever Working Test on 25th February 2024

Sunday, 25 February 2024

IWGDC held their first working tests of the 2024 season on 25th February at Lessland Farm, Godshill. Despite a promising start to the day weather-wise my early afternoon the rain had arrived and had set in for the remainder of the day. There were some very wet handlers, dogs, helpers and judges at the end of the day. The ground was already wet and the rain made conditions worse. The four tests had been set by Steve Tanner and provided a good test of the dogs on the day.; Test 1 was


AV Retriever Field Trial - 12 Dog Open Stake

Monday, 8 January 2024

The Isle of Wight Gundog Club held its final trial of the 2023/24 season in 8 January 2024 at Newbarn Farm, Calbourne.  A 12 dog open driven trial on what was a chilly day with some good dog work. Grateful thanks to the landowners, keeper and the beaters, the team of guns organised by Tim Pressey, who shot for the trial, stewards and all helpers. After the first drive which saw birds fall in open ground and cover and with a couple of runners to pick, 9 dogs remained. 


AV Retriever Field Trial - 16 Dog Novice Stake

Saturday, 25 November 2023

The IWGDC held its Novice trial today, Saturday 25th November, at Hill Farm, Brading, Isle of Wight, courtesy of the Lovegrove Family. Judges were Robert Worrall, Mell Brooks, Paula Graystone and Marian Morris-Worrall. It was a lovely day, dry and cold, and the birds flew despite the lack of breeze.  Huge thanks to the landowners, judges and the team of guns that shot for the day who did a really excellent job for the club.  Thanks also to all the helpe


Results of Working Test on 10 September 2023

Sunday, 10 September 2023

The IWGDC held their final tests of 2023 on Sunday 10th Sept at Barton Manor, East Cowes.  A new ground for the club, courtesy of the landowners Mr and Mrs Haig-Thomas, and what a fantastic venue it was, possibly the most impressive toilets of a working test ground! Huge thanks to our landowners for supporting the club and allowing use of the venue.  Thanks also to Tim Pressey and Gill for setting the tests, with special thanks to Tim for the work that he put into pre


Results for Open, Novice and Novice Dog/Novice Handler Working Test on 26 February 2023

Sunday, 26 February 2023

The IWGDC held its first test of the season on Sunday 26th February 2023 at Newnham Farm, Isle of Wight, courtesy of the landowners Mr & Mrs Cleaver. We are very grateful to our judges, Joy and Chris Rose, Beth Morgan and Kevin Phillips.  Thanks also to all the helpers, without whom we would not be able to run an event and to our lovely competitors who continue to support the club and to Mike Cass and Gill Cavaciuti who set 4 lovely tests. The first test was a mar


Field Trial Results for competition on 17 December 2022

Saturday, 17 December 2022

The Isle of Wight Gundog Club held its Open Trial on 17 December 2022 at Hill Farm.  Huge thanks are owed to the Lovegrove family who are the landowners and the guns from the shoot who kindly allowed us to use their shoot day for the trial. Thanks to our judges Colin Pelham, Roger Wade, Ken Green and John Barnes and to the beaters and all those who helped on the day. 1st Mell Brooks, Annington Bay Maddi May 2nd Matthew Gould, Mitforton Toute de Suite


Novice and Open Working Test - 27 February 2022

Sunday, 27 February 2022

Working Tests 27th February 2022 - Results Novice Dog/ Novice Handler Results 1st Muscatelle Mazurka, Helen Vidotto 2nd Sharba3 Rebel Rebel, Debbie Herring 3rd Tallamelie Keepersbanks, Clare Tredegar Novice Test Results 1st Rookhollow Dahlia, Beth Rayner 2nd Lyebreach Golden Eagle of Riverlily, Abbie Reid 3rd Reptonshot Mitre, Susan Hedge 4th Levenghyl Queen Bee, Jenny Phili


History of Club Results (Working)

Added: Monday, 28 August 2023

Over the years the Isle of Wight Gundog Club have run lots of competitions. As these competitions are part of the Club's history we have listed them here: *  April 2011 Working Test (Open)   *  July 2011 Residents Challenge   * 


Dog of the Year 2023

Sunday, 28 January 2024

The Dog of the Year for 2023 and the January match will be held on Sunday 28th January 2024 at East Cowes Town Hall. The Judge for the Dog of the Year was Mr Chris Campbell. A list WSS Dog of the Year Winners Best Promising Puppy was won by Rackett and Wilcox's Oakswarren Luminous Flame of Solencia AI Best Puppy was won by Miller and Millichamps Foxriever Solent Solstice Best Veteran


Autumn Public Open Show on Saturday, 16th September 2023

Sunday, 24 September 2023

Autumn Public Open Show on Saturday, 24th September 2022 The Isle of Wight Gundog club held on Saturday, 16th September 2023 at Porchfield Cricket Club. Best In Show Judge Mr David Pike (Redclyst) More details to follow.


Spring Public Open Show on Saturday, 18th March 2023

Saturday, 18 March 2023

We welcomed our exhibitors from home and away to our Spring Open Show held on March 18th 2023 Our first show at our new venue Ryde Academy and we express our thanks to them for making us so welcome Our Judges travelled down from Derbyshire Best in Show MR P Miller Mrs B Millichamps Curly Coated Retriever Foxriever Solent Sensation At Wightcurls Reserve Best In Show MRS K. C Taubmans English Springer Spaniel Meltarose Madeline At Meonst


Autumn Public Open Show on Saturday, 24th September 2022

Saturday, 24 September 2022

Autumn Public Open Show on Saturday, 24th September 2022 The Isle of Wight Gundog club held a show at Porchfield Cricket Club on Saturday, 24th September 2022.


Working Test on 18 September 2022

Sunday, 18 September 2022

The Isle of Wight Gundog Club held a Working Test on 18 September 2022.  We would like to give a huge thanks to the very supportive landowners Jenny, David and Barry as well as all the helpers that made the day such a huge success. It was a glorious sunny day and we welcomed over 60 competitors to Moor Farm to take part in a Puppy, Novice, Open and Non retriever working test. The day started with a minute’s silence to honour and pay tribute to our beloved Queen.


March Open Show Results 2022

Saturday, 19 March 2022

ISLE OF WIGHT GUNDOG CLUB OPEN SHOW AT NEWPORT 19th. March, 2022   SPANIEL (COCKER) JUNIOR (1,0) 1st./BOB Blackley & Solero’s Wightroche The Bee Very promising 15 months black bitc


Show Match Results for 2019

Monday, 1 July 2019

Below are the previous match results for 2019: *  July 2019 Match Results


Puppy & Novice GWT Rowlands Farm

Sunday, 20 September 2015

We finished our GTW season with a sunning venue and lovely weather. A good field of approximately 50 dogs, with some lovely retrieves in 4 good tests. A huge thank you to the judges of Wendy Neville, Di Paterson, Gillian Yates and Paula Pitman and the helpers for the club who turned out en masse (22 in total) to set what we hope everyone found to be a good day. The ground was lovely, grassland and wood, undulating slightly, giving the dogs runs to think about and the ground scented well. In


The Isle of Wight Gundog Club is registered with the Kennel Club: ID 422
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