Isle of Wight Gundog Club

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Results of the AV Retriever Working Test on 25th February 2024

IWGDC held their first working tests of the 2024 season on 25th February at Lessland Farm, Godshill. Despite a promising start to the day weather-wise my early afternoon the rain had arrived and had set in for the remainder of the day. There were some very wet handlers, dogs, helpers and judges at the end of the day. The ground was already wet and the rain made conditions worse.

The four tests had been set by Steve Tanner and provided a good test of the dogs on the day.; Test 1 was a mark, with the dogs needing to go over a ditch into woodland to retrieve and on the return a distraction of shot with dummy thrown. The ground through the woodland did have brambles and some dogs struggled with going deep enough for the retrieve.

The second test was a blind with shot, with the distance for the open dogs further than that of the novice dogs.

The third test was a single dog short walk up with a double mark, one in front into cover and one to the side in a ride between two sections of small wood. This was the trickiest for handlers as the ground was wet and walking required some concentration.

The fourth test saw two dogs sat up with a mark in front and a mark behind, both with gunshot. Once both dummies had been thrown the first dog had to retrieve the dummy in front and the second dog the retrieve behind. The dogs then swapped around retrieves in the second part of the test.

Our grateful thanks to the landowners for the use of the ground and to our judges, Ken Green, Dave England, Peter Leydon and Roland Stacey; to Steve Tanner for organising the day and to the many helpers who regularly support the club, throwing dummies, stewarding and providing refreshments at the end of the day.

We apologise to those competitors in the open awards as an error was made for the awards on the day. The results are as posted below and our sincere and collective apologies over this error.

Novice Dog/Novice Handler Results
1st Tallamelie Rose, Lucy Anderson, winner IWGDC Trophy
2nd Dulcet Dora, John Bryce Malcolmson
3rd Isflavcott Gold, Lesley Williams
4th Colquite Mary Poppins of Blackenvoy, Sarah Cox

Novice Results
1st Hillgrove Golden, Janet Mcilwraith, winner IWGDC Cup
2nd Folkington Flyte, Sarah Haskoll
3rd Philchris Raep Rannock, Kevin Shaw
4th Bradley Green Eclipse Sue, Lee Dunn
COM Troddenmills Kriss Cross, Andrew Steggles
COM Hardinghamhouse Moet of Woodlandway, Beth Morgan

Highest placed IW Dog, Downfarm Miss Teal at Knightstall, Carole Montague

Open Results
1st Gatlinberg Antler, Jane Manley, winner of Thorneycroft Tankard
2nd Suthcharic Grigson, Terry Souter
3rd Mitforton Neon, Mike Crutchley
3rd Welige Lady Sybil of Wight, Bryony Hamilton
COM Mitforton Teal, Mike Crutchley
COM Lowsommer Blacksmiths Rose, Elizabeth Woods
COM Riverlily Sunny Sunshine of Galicombe, Harriet Newcombe

The Isle of Wight Gundog Club is registered with the Kennel Club: ID 422
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